12-13 April 2017
Brainhack Ghent
To register, please send an e-mail to brainhackghent@gmail.com before April 9th, including your full name and address. Please also indicate whether you are a PhD student at Ghent University.
For PhD students of Ghent University, the registration fee is €70.
For all other participants, the registration fee is €90. This includes breakfast, lunch and drinks on both days and dinner on the first day, but excludes accomodation.
Once registered, you will receive two mails. One to confirm your registration and one confirming your payment. Registration will only be valid after payment. If you have any questions or if an invoice is required, please contact us by mailing to brainhackghent@gmail.com.
You can register for the official Brainhack Ghent 2017 slack channel here. If the extension of your email address is not included in the possibilities, please let us know.